Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Please come join us to help maintain existing revenues and avoid more cuts to education!

AWDU Davis has decided to devote a night to phone banking on Tuesday June 14th from 5-8 PM at the CLC in Sacramento.

Please contact us awdudavis@gmail.com if you would like to join us. We will help organize rides to and from Davis. This will be a great opportunity to meet some of your recently elected union officials and get acquainted with the broader labor movement at the Central Labor Council.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Dear GSA Reps:

The Academic Workers for a Democratic Union, the reform movement that swept across UAW 2865 this year, would like to officially endorse several progressive candidates for the upcoming GSA election (http://gsa.ucdavis.edu/elections):

For Chair: Brian Riley
For Vice Chair: Farshid Haque
For External Chair: Rosalyn Earl
For Treasurer: Robert M. Saper (Rob)
For Campus Organizing Director: Marguerite Wilson
For Public Relations Officer: Vallerye Mosquera

Our statement is also available on the AWDU-Davis blog:  http://davisawdu.blogspot.com/

Jordan Scavo, UAW 2865 Head Steward-Davis,
AJ Morgan, UAW 2865 Head Steward-Davis,
Molly Ball, 
& Academic Workers for a Democratic Union-Davis.